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What is CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to control the presentation of a website, including the layout, color, and typography.

CSS allows you to separate the presentation of a website from its structure and content, which is defined using HTML. This makes it easier to maintain and update the design of a website, as changes can be made in one place and will be reflected across the entire website.

CSS styles are applied to HTML elements using selectors, which are used to identify the elements that the styles that should be applied. For example, you can use a class or ID selector to apply styles to specific elements or use a tag selector to apply styles to all elements of a certain type.

CSS also provides various layout and positioning properties, such as display, position, and float, which can be used to control the placement of elements on a webpage.

CSS also provides features such as media queries which allow developers to apply different styles depending on the screen size and resolution of the device that is being used to view the website.

In summary, CSS is a styling language used to control the presentation of a website and make it more visually appealing, it provides a way to separate the presentation of a website from its structure and content, making it easier to maintain and update the design of a website.

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